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Advice to avoid dog barking


Barking i a dog' natural communication y tem and can be cau ed by a variety of rea on , requiring you or a peciali t to identify the cau e. It can become a eriou problem when it become a habit for...
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How to know if the guinea pig is sick?


When we take care of a guinea pig, our main concern i to maintain it health. To do thi , in thi PeritoAnimal article, we will explain how to know if our guinea pig i ick, paying attention to the warni...
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Can dog be home alone all day?


Whether you are thinking about adopting a dog or if you already live with one of the e wonderful companion animal , it i normal that you often have many doubt , e pecially if you under tand the great ...
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My cat follows me in the bathroom - we explain to you why


You've mo t likely lived through the ituation of trying to clo e the bathroom door to enjoy a moment of privacy, but right now your cat trie to get in with you. Or who know , you may have ob erved...
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what are wild animals


O wild animal trafficking it remain one of the bigge t threat to the urvival of everal pecie and the balance of the eco y tem in which they operate. Currently, thi practice i con idered the third larg...
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My cat keeps looking at me intently. Why?


The look of cat i one of the mo t attractive feature of thi pecie . Not only becau e of the different hade of color that Iri can pre ent, but al o becau e of the expre ive that can be due to it large ...

All about German Shepherd


O German hepherd i a dog that never goe unnoticed, whether for it noble appearance, it attentive expre ion or it o balanced demeanor. o many attribute explain why it i common to ee o many dog of thi b...

Horner's Syndrome in Cats


Horner' yndrome i a generally momentary condition that i characterized by a et of neurological and ophthalmic ign that affect the eyeball and it adnexa. If your cat' eye look trange and differ...

Tips for training a Pitbull


We found it at pitbull terrier one of the breed of dog con idered in many region a a potentially dangerou breed due to it phy ical attribute that make it a trong and robu t animal, the p ychology of t...

How do I know if my kitten is in labor?


If, a cat tutor , we have the opportunity to live with a cat we u pect i pregnant, it i important that we have the ba ic knowledge needed, not only about pregnancy, but al o about how to know if a cat...

because dogs wag their tails


"Dog wag their tail when they're happy and keep it down when they're ad," how many time have you been told thi when you a ked why dog wag their tail ? Without a doubt, thi i one of t...