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Ringworm in cats - Contagion and treatment


If you have decided to have a cat a a pet, you hould be aware that a little care and food i not enough to take care of it. Therefore, a re pon ible owner , we mu t, among other thing , take re pon ibi...

names for bulldog


Choo ing the right name for your dog it' not ea y, a it get complicated when you realize that you hould choo e a name that identifie your new friend and that i imple to remember and al o fla hy an...

Names for cockatiels


The popularity of cockatiel in Brazil ha grown exponentially and more and more people decide to adopt thi animal a a pet. It i very difficult to remain indifferent to the extremely ociable per onality...

Can cats drink milk?


Can cat drink cow' milk? I it good for them or, on the contrary, i it harmful? Without a doubt, the e are ome of the fir t que tion that come to mind when we decide to adopt a cat, no matter how o...

4 complications in the delivery of cats


The birth of a cat i a moment of joy and emotion, becau e oon playful kitten will come into the world and will become excellent pet . All thi , bearing in mind that the birth wa de ired and not by acc...

For You

Dog names with the letter B


The letter B i the econd of the alphabet and the fir t con onant of it. O meaning of thi letter i a ociated with "hou e" [1]by different theorie concerning it origin. On the other hand, it i...

Tricks to lift the ears of a Prazsky Krysarik


Praz ky Kry arikIn thi article by PeritoAnimal, we explain a trick you can u e to get the animal' ear to remain in a vertical po ition, typical of thi breed. However, don't forget to check you...



O bullma tiff i a guard dog by nature, but very tender with hi family, although hi con titution i large and mu cular. In addition, you can live peacefully in a mall hou e whenever you are out for a wh...

socialize a kitten cat


The arrival of a new family member i alway a rea on to be happy, however, before adopting a kitten, we mu t take into account that it need ome care and time for learning. Among other thing , we have t...

African Pygmy Hedgehog - Most Common Diseases


O african pygmy hedgehog, al o known a hedgehog, i the variety of thi pecie that ha gained more popularity in recent year a a pet, due to it mall ize and attractive appearance. The e mall mammal have ...

How to make sachet for cats


Many pet owner wonder if wet food or achet i a good food for their cat or if it can cau e dige tive problem . The benefit provided by the pate in the nutrition of our kitten will depend mainly on the ...